The Chronicles of the Dandelion Progeny: -----------The Point of No Return----------- there she parries a grin, at the bay-window slurping milk next to a mug of capuccino., ravishing a plate of blueberry and yam., ricocheting- simultaneous-to-cuddling bleu cotton handy throw pillow., and in pernacious hobbling, she, scoops for pc works. accrued and sidled and accruing plushies., and in a paucity of humor and fondling, stockpiles self-made accessories in, her reclusive-as it speaks per se- rubble-made caddy., a totes mcgoats secrecy, from them from you while, there she plops


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May 12, 2012

On Becoming a First-hand Proprietress

by liruandlegallyraven | 05:31 PM | favorite

The SSentocia Stuffs is a denomination for an online wardrobe and accessory shoppe created by my mom and I with its own kind of history. SSentocia is a portmanteau for my boardwalk's nom de guerre Sinillican Sentocia. Stuffs is my mom's wording. The shoppe will be officially open by next week to the public fb shopaholics and will be only a pure business account.

Today, we are in the process of to-do's. My mom is more on the preparation of the materials and primary chooser. I am tasked to crane my neck for the organization, visuals, and the technical sectors. The wardrobe section includes pre-loved and brand new ones delivered from either the national centre of shopping districts or direct exports.

The accessory section consist mostly of jewelries designed by either my mom or I while the rest are made elsewhere. The range of styles is stupendous. THERE are the very affordable but real chic ones made of woven fabrics, painted and carved woods, beads, and for-fashion-sake materials. Genuine collections are also made available from pearls, 925 silvers, heavy gemstones, white swarovkis, hard woods, Bangkok/Thailand 10k gold semi-bangle, to corales and capis from the Southern Luzon and Visayas regions. Since I am not into lavish ones one way or another but acknowledge its creations I am more of either the posh classic or the avant-garde. What we have to offer are a quite satisfaction for quality and appearance for its defined elegance and magnanimity which are in congruance with the reasonable prices.

If it's into jewelry I am fond of "collecting and compartmentalizing" so some of the products are personally mine and haven't been used. Don't worry I do have my for usage ones and making it sure to don it on the proper time and place and if necessary. It's somehow the same for my older sister and mom. We are quite picky but we have varying tastes so the products we avail will be really that diverse. The funny thing is my mom and older sister would ask for my advice sometimes. I am not too vocal of fashion unless the need arises. Perhaps, with this new installment I can reach out the "liking" for it. You name it.

I am not still sure if I would be converging my own brass of bracelet collection in sketches. I have attempted a finished product of my first set and it came out pretty nice. I like it. If ever I have yet to convince and convene with a potential jeweler since I don't have the exact resources, it's more of pearls and gemstones and er...curvatures.

Please take care of me/us. I am still on my biological academe and the writing stint but I don't see this only as a mere side-track. I hope we will have good going for transactions and progress.


Oh. Right. I am posting a wee-bit info of this new venture of mine in a friends-only type of user account. Way to go!


Yours truly,


Filed under escritoire | hn. your pen's toilet

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