The Chronicles of the Dandelion Progeny: -----------The Point of No Return----------- there she parries a grin, at the bay-window slurping milk next to a mug of capuccino., ravishing a plate of blueberry and yam., ricocheting- simultaneous-to-cuddling bleu cotton handy throw pillow., and in pernacious hobbling, she, scoops for pc works. accrued and sidled and accruing plushies., and in a paucity of humor and fondling, stockpiles self-made accessories in, her reclusive-as it speaks per se- rubble-made caddy., a totes mcgoats secrecy, from them from you while, there she plops


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September 2, 2012

De Javu: Questions Lingering (Third Person)

by liruandlegallyraven | 04:33 AM

More like Fringe's, or J.J's, or whoever thought of it first. The idea that when you have a deja vu, it is in reality a window to an alternate reality. To me, it would explain why we dont really know why or from where we get these deja vus.
The other explanation, that the deja vu happened in our dream, seems less credible. To accidentally re-create a dream, something that is created out of million possiblities, is very rare. To me, deja vus happens constantly. I would say once a month. Its absurd to say I'm reliving my dream once a month.
Then again, it is also somewhat absurd to say we are looking at through a window into an alternate reality.

An Excerpt from the Fringe-Forum started by IvanGD in 2009.

Filed under film review, through red-colored spectacles | hn. your pen's toilet

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