The Chronicles of the Dandelion Progeny: -----------The Point of No Return----------- there she parries a grin, at the bay-window slurping milk next to a mug of capuccino., ravishing a plate of blueberry and yam., ricocheting- simultaneous-to-cuddling bleu cotton handy throw pillow., and in pernacious hobbling, she, scoops for pc works. accrued and sidled and accruing plushies., and in a paucity of humor and fondling, stockpiles self-made accessories in, her reclusive-as it speaks per se- rubble-made caddy., a totes mcgoats secrecy, from them from you while, there she plops


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May 13, 2013

Chasing Fears: Hydra

by liruandlegallyraven | 12:28 PM

It was one of her thrills. It was one of her borderline principles.

And she accomplished one of her phobias. Really though, phobia does not suit the word. Yips, rather.

She had incidents in her earlier life stages where she nearly drowned and no one was there to help her although she was practically surrounded by swimmers in the water. Thrice. (A numerical she dislikes the most.)

And then, here comes her Marine Biology class. Dont ger her wrong. She likes the field. She likes water. But, she was the only one who so honestly seriously did not know how to swim.

Yeu-nii... gave her the most basic of all advice : Breathe.

Breathe normally and relax.

And everything else followed.

Ta-da: Swimming is sure fun.

Christian even commented even in the same line.

{ book } ponta pair
{ mood } packing up baggage

Filed under dengeki daisy, and the list goes on | hn. your pen's toilet

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