The Chronicles of the Dandelion Progeny: -----------The Point of No Return----------- there she parries a grin, at the bay-window slurping milk next to a mug of capuccino., ravishing a plate of blueberry and yam., ricocheting- simultaneous-to-cuddling bleu cotton handy throw pillow., and in pernacious hobbling, she, scoops for pc works. accrued and sidled and accruing plushies., and in a paucity of humor and fondling, stockpiles self-made accessories in, her reclusive-as it speaks per se- rubble-made caddy., a totes mcgoats secrecy, from them from you while, there she plops


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Entries in category "escape pod"

March 9, 2014

Womanly Trites: BLACK

by liruandlegallyraven | 02:53 PM




When all have gone bleak and weary;

the road hasn't yet shown you the worse.

It's when the breach of serenity

into patience's tweak

will the going gets tough.

For all you see as the enemy is you yourself only.

Filed under the frantic disciple counts, escape pod | hn. your pen's toilet

January 20, 2010

Dandelion Tres

by liruandlegallyraven | 07:17 AM | favorite



by: Ltraigne X’ Ae.


Brown, Light brown perhaps.

With black spots. Tiny spots on the left side.

Then, it wiggled.


Startled, with little fascination, there I stood;

and still standing

“Vener, earth to? Come back here and stop daydreaming.”, Naya barks from her seat beside the laboratory table.

“You’ve been drooling in there for like 5 hours—

            Leaning on the door and staring at the lizard…imagining…”, Marc, sitting infront of Naya, starts rolling his eyes.

“Shut it.”, Vener sharply says.

“Oh?” and there they begin their habit of playing pranks and fooling around.


Just like any ordinary day,

my eyes keep on searching and searching; to be more precise, my eyes lazily wander wherever. Well, I’m tired sketching and being asked by teachers in class during discussions. Thus, I retire myself here on the door frame of our classroom. Teach isn’t around anyway. All there is left to do is to wait for the waterbath of our experiment to finish, then viola! I can march for home.


And just like any ordinary day, a wisp—too soft, too thin, almost transparent like a ghost—flutters and dances and flutters with the cold harsh wind passing by me, passing by her.


Her hand tenderly touches the wisp, clasps it and blows with that vulnerable look. A look I nearly subconsciously went to caress.


Okay. Hold it. What am I saying? First things first, I don’t like her. She is just a classmate. A classmate who never escapes the corner of my eyes. Who wouldn’t wonder? It’s been 7 months since she came and declared to be a sophomore collegian of our course; meaning, she’ll be in our class, in the same class, (dummy, of course, we’re just one class) until fourth year. And it’s been 7 months that she puts on that “popping” demeanor. She’s present today. Tomorrow she’s out. Comes next day, and she’s there. The same incidents happen like a cycle. It’s been a routine for us.


Look who’s talking.
Right. I admit, I’m an on-and-off student too. Delinquent, they say, but it’s excusable because I’m cool.


Anyway, if she’s here, I can’t help notice how she gazes far west into the orange sky. She gazes every time she steals some quietude for herself amidst our banters striding within the grounds or even inside the class. This clandestine habit of hers, sometimes, makes me gaze into the same sky. Orange sky.

What’s in there? Wait, why would I do that in the first place? I’m not some idiot mysterious to do it.


However, there she sits, stern and scowling, whenever Marc teases her. Not just Marc. All right, I included. She rides with the pranks, but we frequently lose to her seriousness and sudden up-straight transformation. Still, I can’t help tease her.


“Ani Lima.”


“Ani.”  Just calling her name is fun because she hates it.


“What?!” or “Why?!”, she articulates with exclamation points. It resounds to silence.

One minute, and I call her, “Ani.” again.


A few more minutes, and she goes, “Why?”.

Damn. Don’t give me that look. It’s too formidable. Adorable. Eh? Erase that last word.

Realizing she grins. She smiles. A smile of victory.


Dementia possesses me. Argh! I can’t backfire!


I don’t understand her at all. I don’t dare, nevertheless. Naya would always talk to our professors for her whenever she’s out. Until one day of the past four months, our Microbiology Prof asks for our permission if it would be all right to just let her have the modules even though she wouldn’t be attending classes. Guess what? Marc in turn queried, “Why?” Prof answered, “She’s having a bone illness.” That suited them; but my mind went, “so-so”.


Still, on the little corner of my stubborn brain, there run involuntarily two helpless lines,

“For real? Ani?”


A few more days passed…

Just like any ordinary day. Today, on our second period (her first period) she strides infront of me casually. Too casually. Then, it struck me. Dumbfound. She’s unusually vibrant like there’s nothing wrong. Her radiating glow, irritatingly reaches out. Irritatingly because it makes me want to breathe in that glow. She’s been making that face since this early morning. I don’t know why somewhere within me, crumples instinctively. I want to chide myself, for cringing desperately just to know what makes her do that.


What the heck is happening?


I’m cold and stiff. She is cold and stiff.


Today, however, she’s all warm to everyone else except me. Why? Ani, why? Who really are you?


Just then, while I’m with the guys and Blessie, our other female regular classmate aside from Ani and Naya, standing outside the room of our second class something I think incredulous will happen sooner. And sooner it is.


Ani and Naya went somewhere, so we finally head towards the Blue Haus to photocopy some modules. The place has been occupied by a group of Nursing students who are almost done photocopying as soon as we arrive.


Just then…

“How I really wish Ani is here with us. She’s too good on this.”, the girl in pure white Nursing uniform claims.

“She could be our Cum Laude. How we lost such a treasure.  Even our club lost such leader, too.”, a tall guy agrees.


Finally, “If only her father didn’t leave them.  I think everything else she had crumbled down when she left the previous year.”, the tallest of the guys says almost in a whisper.

Maybe I am the only one who heard it since I’m the only one nearest to him. Behind him, precisely.

He even sighs, “Ani Lima.”



“Crap!” Everything goes blank. Only Ani’s pale face appears infront of me. Chills climb up my spine.


A week later…

Chemistry class. 2 :10 pm.

The sky is orange. Everything’s serene.

Good. “I’ve refreshed myself.”, I murmured, walking out of the comfort room with my head bent down. Okay, straightening up, I open my mouth and shut it as unexpectedly her figure runs into me. Thump. I blink thrice. Real. Thump.


“You’re not attending class. I’ll tell Sir.”


“I’m going.”

All straight and composed, she passes by me.

Sigh. Ani’s all the same, huh?


That same incident, I knew.

Vener knows his resolve.

I look at the orange sky,

“I’ll own your smile.”



{ mood } calm

Filed under escape pod | hn. your pen's toilet

September 27, 2009

by liruandlegallyraven | 10:45 AM

A  Pen


By: Lanie Lei Madiam

( 5th Place, English Feature Writing   

2006 Dvision Schools Press Conference )



          “The pen is mightier than the sword.”


            Does this line ring a bell? Or is it just a familiar mot that you’ve heard many times? Dr. Jose Rizal, the Philippines’ National Hero uttered those mere words more than a century ago when the Spaniards stepped in the Pearl of the Orient Seas. Thus, these words have left marks in the lives of many Filipinos.

            In those words, something stands always corrected. Ergo, it makes it so remarkable.

            Remarkably that, that thing has written so many scribbles in so many ways – may it be beautiful or ugly. Do you know what that thing is?

            Yes, you do. And that’s ME. Yes, it’s me. And i’m known for it. My name spells unique and sweet.  P  E N . See? Very short but there’s something else beyond those letters. You see, I have made history. I was invented by the mischievous mind and playful hands of my own maker. I was brought into this world for a purpose. For little children, I maybe their first instrument or toy in expressing themselves through the illegible markings and doodles they make. For the common people, I maybe used for writing schedules, plans, etc. For professionals, I am of great importance in making structures, decisions, options and even an idea. For architects and artists, I am a drawing and marking tool. For writers, I am a final creator of their thoughts and ideas. For expressive and non-expressive people, there I am an instrument of lexis and sensations. And for everyone left alone in this world, I am a baloney but, truly a great inspiration.

            The great, great forefathers of mankind have used things to express and say anything. In those times, when I was still not born, they use replacements of me. My name hasn’t been jumping in their tiny minds yet. Albeit the spirit inside me has long been born in this world. Only... spelled out differently.

            Sometimes, my name spells risk. It brings out the hatred and anger between two or more innocent hearts. I am something that is so sharp that I get people damp with those red blothches through those words I write. Hence, I am also considered as a messy blot, a dangerous criminal.

            Yet, I am mightier than the sword, for I bloodlessly eradicate those who block both my own and my Lord’s way.

            For all of you, my masters, I am your humble servant. To whatever you please, I will do. But in return, I ask you nothing except that I want you to give me the title,

            “A Piece, Enraging with Nurture of Love”. #

{ mood } booming

Filed under escape pod | hn. your pen's toilet

September 27, 2009

First Revised Play (4th yr memoirs)

by liruandlegallyraven | 10:29 AM




Entrance: Lion King music (slow movements, curtains slowly open), Drum beats. Curtains up. Music stops. Trumpet sounds.

Scene I – The Ball


Xamiere:          Ho! Ho! Ho! Mademioselles and Monsieurs, Bon jour. Our young prince is celebrating his 21st birthday today. In line with the fete, we will honor men of the world of inventions. Ahem! Let the celebration begin. (The ball continues.)


Narrator:          After the dancing and everything, Xamiere calls upon the attention of everyone, calls the name of each person who will give their respective gifts to the Prince. As the last name is called, an old woman steps forward.


Xamiere:          Madame Aluning of Bambangville??!!


Enchantress:  Your highness, I honor your grace with the best gift I have.


Prince:             What is this? A black rose?


Narrator:          Repulsed by her appearance and her gift, the Prince sneers at the old woman. She warns him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. When he dismisses her again, the old woman’s ugliness melts away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. She says that she has seen no love in his heart. The time stops. A black witch appears and laughs all the way.


Black Witch:    Ha! Ha! Ha! Hi,hi,hi!


Narrator:          The black witch argues with the enchantress. Then, the black witch casts a spell to the Prince, who’ll turn to a beast, the royal servants to household objects. Afterwards, she vanishes. The enchantress can’t do anything. She can’t remove the spell but makes a condition that the spell will only be broken if....before the last magical flower petal will change into white, he learns to love someone and be loved. The enchantress calls for the white witch and they make everyone move unconsciously.

                        Meanwhile, the Prince bents down in shame. The white witch concealed the castle with thick forests and fog, and turned the castle into an old shabby cottage; while the enchantress gave the Prince a magical goblet as his window to the outside world.


Scene II – Beauty and the Villagers


Narrator:          Not far from the castle in the Cheness-Chuva Village lived a pretty belle named Kendra. She is thought to be peculiar for she loves reading books but still everyone’s fond of her. The most sought-after bachelor, Andre dreams of marrying her.

                        One day, Kendra takes a walk towards town. (Musical)


Kendra:           (singing “Breaking free&rdquo Living in my own world, didn’t understand that anything could happen, when you take the chance. I never believed in what I couldn’t see, I never opened my eyes to all the possibilities...


People:            ( Bonjour! Good day!


Kendra:           Good morning, too! (continues singing) We’re soaring flying, there’s not a star in heaven that we couldn’t reach. If we’re trying, we’re breaking free...


Farmer 1:        (singing) Look at the sky tell me what do you see just close your eyes...


Beggar:           (singing) And describe it to me. The heavens are sparkling with starlight so bright...


Farmer 2:        (singing) That’s what I see thru your eyes...


All:                   (singing) We’re running, walking to get to that place to be all that we can be, now’s the time... we’re breaking free...


** Kendra reaches the library. The librarian sees her and hands out a new book.


Kendra:           (walks then sits...singing) It’s magic, you can do anything that you desire... Oh, magic!


Andre:              (to a villager....singing) I’m perfect for her... (sees Kendra and looks at her) Baby, she’s perfect for me...When I saw her face and now I’m a believer... she doubted my mind...when I’m in love, I’m a believer...


3 Girls:             (singing “I’m a Believer&rdquo When we saw his face, we were believers. He’s on our minds. He didn’t choose us...Oh, we’re in love...


Andre:              (goes near Kendra and sings) Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you, that is how I love you...Oh, Kendra...


Friend of Andre:          (whispers to Andre)You know, Andre, my friend – you are one lucky guy but, why do you kept on going after her when there are dozens of ladies out there wanting your attention. Kendra is a fine girl and beautiful, the most beautiful in town. But she’s not like other girls -- she’s rather odd, I say...always reading a book... (loudens his voice and looks at Kendra)...and maybe crazy too like her father.


Kendra:           My father’s not crazy! He’s a genius! (BOOM!)

(Kendra runs in the direction of the sound and everyone laughs.)

Father? Are you all right?


Father:             Yes, I am...I am. Oh! I’ll never win the fair.


Kendra:           Yes, you will. And you’ll be a world famous inventor!


Father:             (singing “Never had a dream come true&rdquo Oooooh...Everybody’s got something they have to leave behind... only grays from yesterday...let you seem to grow in time...there’s no use looking back... or wonder on how it could’ve been now...all this I know but still I can’t find ways to do right... I never had a dream come true...till the day I had you...even though I pretend that life goes’ll always be my baby...I never had the words to’re the one I think each day...I never had a dream come true...till the day I had you....


(Talks to his daughter) Do you really believe it? (She nods.) All right then. I’ll finish this in no time and before you know it, I’m off to the fair.


Scene III – A secret found


Narrator:          After a few hours, Mang Pepito’s invention worked. That afternoon, he packed his things on the wagon and heads off to the fair. Hours later, while on the road...A weary old woman asks if she can take a ride. In exchange of the free ride, she tells him of a shortcut way going to the fair but he is going to pass through the forest. The forest road scares Yttrien – the horse, as the animal forests howls. When suddenly, Zombies appear before them on the road.


Zombies:         Over there...Fooood...fooood...fooood....After them...after them...

(sings a tune from the movie Ice Age) Ooh, food! Wonderful food...glorious food!...Wonderful food! Glorious food! Wonderful food! Glorious food! (after singing still continue saying)...Fooood...fooood...Fooood...fooood.....


Narrator:          The horse got very scared and bolted fast, dropping Kendra’s father on the ground. Mang Pepito has no choice but to run on foot. Fearfully, he ran as fast as his feet could, that stumbles to the ground. Glancing at his back, he saw how far he had run and the zombies were no longer in sight. He stands and looks at his surroundings... He sees an old cottage insight. He approached it and knocks but no one answers. He slowly opened the door and went inside. What he sees inside surprised him and he couldn’t believe himself. He is inside a gloomy castle. Yes, a castle – indeed!


Mang Pepito:   Hello? Anybody home? Can I stay for the night? I just want some shelter and warmth... I will leave by morning...I promise...I was lost in the woods and... (enters and walks slowly around)


Louver:            Do you think the master will like it? It’s definitely... ---Wait can you hear that?


Hans:               What? Where? I can’t hear anything? ....Is that a man’s voice?


Hans, Louver and Xamiere: (Sings-“Tell me who it was&rdquo Wait a minute...tell me who it jams the bells this late...don’t look at me crazy... it didn’t feel alright...I had a lot to say...tell me who is it (3x)...whoever he is(3x)...tell me who it is...  


Xamiere:          O—ooH...this can’t be good...I don’t think we should... I don’t think He should be in here.


Hans:               Don’t be ridiculous. The poor man needs a shelter... didn’t you hear what he said...he said just for tonight...C’mon, it’s freezing out there. (starts to go in the hall)


Xamiere:          No...No...No...wait! The master does not like strangers. (Louver and Hans proceed in the hall while Xamiere slowly follows behind )


Hans:               Mister, you’re welcome in here.


Mang Pepito:   Who’s in there?


Xamiere, Louver and Hans:    It’s us!


Narrator:          Mang Pepito can’t believe what he is seeing. The entire enchanted household entertains and serves him for the night. When the Master of the house arrived and sees the stranger and hauls him off to the freezing barred cell. Mang Pepito freezes instantly.

                        Meanwhile, back in the village Kendra awaits for her father to return when a knock disturbs her thoughts. And Andre swaggers in...


Andre:              Hi, Kendra! This is the day that your dreams will come true.


Kendra:           What do you know about my dreams, Andre?


Andre:              (sings from the “The Gift&rdquo The snow is falling...the city is white...your eyes are shinning like diamonds tonight and we’re all alone... there’s no one’re finally in my arms again...Coz I love you , girl... I always will and I wonder if the moment is right...The moment is right... I’m waiting to give this gift tonight I’m down on my knees there’s no better time...Tonight I’m gonna give you...Oh girl, all my heart can give...

                        (stops singing and says to Kendra) Say, you’ll marry me...


Kendra:           I’m sorry but I don’t deserve you.


Narrator:          Haplessly, Andre fails to convince Kendra to marry him. As he goes out, he falls out the doorway into a carabao manure! After Andre left, an old woman knocks and asks for a glass of water. In return to Kendra’s kindness, she gives her a book which delights her so much.

** Kendra sits and reads the book.


Kendra:           .....Oh, where are the other pages? I like this book so much, unfortunately the last pages are missing...Who is that I hear coming?

                        (Stands and goes to the window.)


Narrator:          Yttrien has returned alone with the wagon. Kendra worries about her father and asks the horse to take him to where her father is. In the forest, she sees her father’s hat inside the cottage’s gate. She rushes inside the cottage.


Derick:             Mother! There’s a girl in the hall.


Mrs. Potts:       A girl? Don’t be silly, little one.


Cabby:             It’s true. Come and see. Could she be the one?


Mrs. Potts:       (goes with them) Oh! A girl?.... A girl! There’s a girl! How wonderful! She could be the one.


Derick:             The one? What one, mother?


Mrs. Potts:       The key to be human again. Won’t you like that?


Kendra:           (goes directly to the cell) Father! What have they done to you? Why are you in that icy prison?


Beast:              Who are you? What are you doing here?


Kendra:           He is my father. I’ve come to look for him. What have you done to him? My father is a good man.


Beast:              Are you sure he is a good man? How come he trespasses into my land? He even entered my house and acts like a King in my own house!


Kendra:           He is a good man, I can assure you that. Please, Sir, let him go.


Beast:              I can’t do that. My prisoner is my prisoner forever!


Kendra:           Sir, please...(She kneels in front of the Beast)...Please, he is sick and old...(Looks at the Beast)...Wait! If somebody takes his place will you free him?


Beast:              I don’t usually do that...


Kendra:           (still kneeling but looks downward) Please, Sir... I’m willing to take his place!


Beast:              You are?... Then, fine! He can go!


Narrator:          The Beast drags Mang Pepito out of the cell and out of his castle. The Beast returns and sees her crying. He did not attempt to talk to her, instead he orders his staff to show her room and informs her that she can go anywhere in the castle except to enter the attic. The Beast also tells his staff that she would dine with him for supper. And at suppertime they went to call for Kendra and...     


Derick:             (Knocks at the door) Miss Kendra, the master says you are to dine with him for supper.


Kendra:           (Speaking from inside the room) I am not going to dine with him!


Cabby:             But, Miss...the Beast will be angry if you don’t show up. I can guarantee you it won’t be good if he gets mad, it is a lot nicer to dine with him.


Mrs. Potts:       He may not be good to look at, unlike you...but...anyway, you may not look at him if you want. You know, just stare at your food. Before you know it dinner’s over.


Dulaine:           We will wait for you till you came out of your room. For sure you will want some food later.


Kendra:           No. I am not hungry. I don’t want to dine with him.


Dulaine:           (They all leave her room, while walking...) Oh, no! The Beast won’t like it. I feel it. What would we tell him? Better tell the truth I guess...


Beast:              What took you so long to fetch her? I’m hungry! Why? Where is she?


Perth:              Still in her room, I say.


Dulaine:           She says she is not hungry, master Beast.


Beast:              You mean – she doesn’t want to dine with a Beast like me.


Cabby:             Well, don’t expect anyone to know dine with you... it’s the first time...and you’re the first one she sees looking like that...and us like this...


Perth:              Cabby’s right, Beast. It’s not everyday that you see household objects moving on their own and talking and a Beast... so Beastly.


Beast:              I am the master here, am I not? I want her here NOW!!!


Mrs. Potts, Derick, Cabby and Dulaine:         But she....She says she doesn’t want to dine with you, master Beast.


Beast:              All right! If she doesn’t want to eat with me now, then she doesn’t eat at all!


** Kendra is being entertained by the household staff.(singing and dancing)...

Come on over, come on over baby(4x)...Hey, girl don’t you know I got something going on...Yes, I do...All my friends have gone and go...going to party all night long...oooh yeah...I know , you know...I just want to let you know...the gang will hide, you’ll never be girl, won’t come, we will party thru the dawn...listen to me baby...come on over...come on over...come on over baby...

                        Hakuna matata!... Hakuna matata it means need no worries(2x)...Hakuna matata(2x)...need no worries!

                        We’ll be anticipating...this is our song...we’re playing we wanna rock...rock with’re seeing this right let’s do this tonight...step up baby don’t be shy...hope you feel like I am...don’t wanna play watch us move...(2x)  


Narrator:          As days go by Kendra and the Beast became friends. And...


** Beast and Kendra singing together, looking eye to eye.

                        Living in my own world, Didn’t understand that anything could happen, When you take the chance, I never believed in, What I couldn’t see, I never opened my heart Ooh, I know that something has changed, Never felt this way, This could be [ the start of something new (2x)]        

Hey, there’s a look in your eyes must be love at second sight, You know just a part of my dream nothing more it seem, Just can’t forget the picture of your smile, Everytime I close my eyes you come alive, The closer I get to touching you, The closer I get to loving you...

                        [Can you feel the love tonight... it is where we are (2x)]

**Beauty and the Beast stand to dance to the Theme song.

                        Talers all this time, True as it can be, Fairly even friends, Then somebody bends- unexpectedly, Just a little change, Small to say the least, Both a little scarred, Nor the one prepared, Beauty and the Beast, Ever just the same, Ever has a prize, Ever as before, Ever just as sure, As the sun will rise, Talers all this time, Tune as all the song, Bittersweet and strange, Finding you can change, Learning you were wrong, Certain as the sun, Rising in the east, [Talers all this time, Song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast...2x]


Beast:              Are you happy here with me?


Beauty:            Yes, if only...I could see my father.


Beast:              Here, come and see. This magic goblet is my window to the outside world you can see anything and anyone you want to see. Come, take a look.


Beauty:            That’s my father. He is sick. If only I can do something to help him...


Beast:              Go, to your father. You are no longer my prisoner. I’m setting you free. Take this goblet to remind you of me.

                        (sings) I’ll let you go, I’ll let you fly, Why do I keep on asking why, I’ll let you go, Now that I’ve found, A way to keep somehow, More than a broken vow...


Beauty:            What did you say? You’re setting me free? Thank you... Thank you so much.


Scene IV – Bitter,  Sweet and Spicy


Narrator:          Beauty returned to the village. Meanwhile, her father had told them about the Beast and the talking objects and furniture in an enchanted castle by the forest. No one believed him and everybody thought he had gone crazy. However Kendra’s suitor, Andre plots to send her father to a mental institution and told the Psychiatrist that it is the only way he could make Kendra marry him after she refused his proposal.

                        As the people took Mang Pepito to the institution, Kendra steps in—saying she could prove her father is telling the truth. She shows them the magic goblet and Lo! What they saw not only surprised them but they too were frightened. They forgot about Mang Pepito’s craziness. Instead, the people, with Andre leading them marched off to the forest armed with forks and spikes to kill the Beast.

** Townsfolk singing... We will, we will knock you (2x)... knock you... We will, we will kill you (2x)...kill you!      


{ music } beeping of phone
{ mood } mellow

Filed under escape pod | hn. your pen's toilet

September 27, 2009

Leal Cronies: Almost Spring

by liruandlegallyraven | 10:25 AM

Seven years later…

2 weeks elapsed February…


Early morn…

Criiiinnnnggg!!… Criiiinnnnggg!!… Criiiinnnnggg!!...

A phone call wakes up the sleepyhead and Mr. Sun is already peeping in the window. Just then a slender hand reaches out for the phone, “Hello!? Gianni Vezeley residence. Nei Art Prism is speaking.”

“Good morning, Nei! It’s me, your aunt Anne. You still sound sluggish!”

“Good morning tita! Errr... Why did you call so early tita?”

            “I just want to tell you that we’re going to visit your favorite nephew this afternoon at exactly 3. I hope you’re not quite busy.”

            “Ahh... Sure! I think I can put up to that. Anyway, thanks for the wake up call tita!”

            “Great! Your welcome my dear. Can you tell Brandon that I need to talk to him right now?”

            “Okay. Just a jiffy... (she shouts at the other room) HEY SLEEPYHEAD! AUNT ANNE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW!”

            “Nice! Why don’t you just get up and go to his room?”

            “Nah... Hang in there...BRANDON?!?!”

“WHAT! I DIDN’T UNDERSTAND!” Brandon yells back.



“He’s on the phone now Nei. Thanks. You better get ready for school. Bye.” Aunt Anne confirms.

“Yea. Yea. Bye too tita.” Nei hangs up the phone. She looks at the clock and it’s 4:08 AM. Then, she remembers the paper works she left last night in her study table. Oh, what a mess it is to look at as she glances over the table! So, she jumps out of bed and fixes everything. 10 minutes past, she grabs her laptop and opens her e-mail. She gets surprised to see only at least a dozen of mails when she always gets loads and loads of business e-mails and a little of how-do-you-do ones.


Just like the other days. Just like her usual days. Nothing unordinary.



                                                                                                (to be continued…)


{ book } had a pause on academics...tabulas for now
{ mood } hungry

Filed under escape pod | hn. your pen's toilet

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