Entries in category "the dialogues"
March 31, 2012
by liruandlegallyraven |
11:02 PM |

photo by dr. philip del carmen
I want one!
- Lanie Lei M.
Sent at12:07nn
may your birthday wish be granted!
- Doc
Sentat 12:08nn
Doc, nagdilang-anghel po kau. My main birthday wish at the moment was granted.
Godspeed po!
Yours truly,
Lanie Lei M.
Sent at 10:45pm
happy for you! when i wished it, i really meant it. hope you had a great day. God bless you & may all your dreams & aspirations come true!
Dr. Philip del Carmen
Sent 44 seconds after
{ music } PBB and Mom
{ book } a couple of websites
{ mood } smirking
Filed under the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
March 15, 2012
Jake-ish: And That
by liruandlegallyraven |
12:59 PM |
Thank you, Jake.
{ mood } accomplished
Filed under dengeki daisy, the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
March 15, 2012
More than a Mona Lisa
by liruandlegallyraven |
09:04 AM |
Current Status: IN BLISS
Beautiful sunshine
sent to: Matt, Kia, En-na, Lai-nee, Cil
{ mood } big idiot
Filed under dengeki daisy, the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
March 10, 2012
Benefit of the Doubt
by liruandlegallyraven |
09:44 PM |

go underestimating people.
I tell you.
You may never know what one person may be capable of.
Something like:
(1) A: Oh. Really? But, that is the substantial evidence.
B: It's more technical than that. The quantum of evidence should be decided first. And by votation.
A: Are you aware of the gameplan?
B: They should be acting as judges rather than as senators. That's their oath.
A: In your opinion, which is higher? The impeachment court or the supreme court?
B: Pantay. What I think is higher is the constitution.
D: Matalino na siya.
E: (Thoughts... Shrug)
(2) I admire Atty. Karen Jimeno and Atty. Miriam Santiago.
Level-headed and focused.
(3) I remember saying this line once two summers ago:
"I don't despise them. I'm not afraid of them. They are merely horrible people.
I am more horrible than them."
(4) "Kung magbibintang ka, pag butihan mo ang pagbibintang."
(5) "Yeah, that was what I was trying to say earlier."
{ show } The Bottomline: Karen Jimeno
{ mood } amused
Filed under the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
June 20, 2010
Suitcases of Memories 1
by liruandlegallyraven |
11:09 PM |
"There is nothing insignificant to me."
the other hugest side of mr. suarez that i don't ever know
{ show } pbb teen clash
{ mood } contemplative
Filed under through red-colored spectacles, the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
May 21, 2010
Lit 2: at last, I have my response
by liruandlegallyraven |
07:39 PM |
That is why there is the co-existence of the protagonist and the antagonist, remember?
It is to let one best the other. It is to teach one the other.
The world is, after all, unfair in its simpliest sense.
Or, shall I say, What is "fair"in the first place?
This is a natural law.
To say the least, that it is made as the first syntax of a soon-to-be-paraphrased sentence.
"Be honest, so that others will be."
At the proper time, place, and consequence.
{ show } TV Patrol World
{ mood } hungry
Filed under the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
April 21, 2010
Sultry Attraction
by liruandlegallyraven |
10:28 AM |
_u jaz have to be be urself.._be professional.._don't be over-assuming,be a listener,brains and inner beauty are plus points..
: Ms Lady Beatriz Labuzon
10:28:26 pm 21/04/10
{ book } mangas
{ mood } my tummy's like a washing machine in use
Filed under the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
January 15, 2010
Lit 2: what transpired in there
by liruandlegallyraven |
12:10 AM |

Sir Rigor was my prof that day. our "teach" for two weeks since Sir Dex was out for his paternity leave. Lit 2 class was having its final report on "Flowering Judas". Another enlisted day, of which I am prepared for, for a "redeeming" session. Sir Rigor, who happens to be our long-time academic Dean, was entertaining my question, to be exact, he made me repeat my question to Arman. "Why is that Laura doesn't want to commit to anything when she is involved in everything?"
in quick astound, " 'Why is that Laura doesn't want to commit to anything when she is involved in everything?', you said. That's a very good question, L."
Sir said that. And the class told me, "redeem yourself, L." (Yeah, right.)
Here is Arman's reply: "Before Laura came to Mexico, she already desired for a "something" else. A something she does not have yet, being a lady who comes from a noble and learned family. And she thought she would acquire it in Mexico, where the people then were unrefined. In that part of the city. however, all she has gotten into was life where there is rebellion against the government. Where everyone else is doing betrayal. Feeling that ambiance, she acted on betrayal too to revenge for those who sin from betrayal too. Unfortunately, she finds herself too late in betraying herself too. Everything around her is out of place. Where she does not find what she is looking for."
"Precisely.", Sir Rigor butted in. "What can you do if everyone else is doing ill around you and you want a change. You want to do good, and tell people to do the same, but everything else is wrong? You can't trust if there is no trust about you. You know that sign outside? The one posted with "Honesty" proverb?
"Yes, Sir.", the class answered. "Be honest even if others are not; if other will not; and if others can not." "It is even posted near the police station."
"I don't like that. You wouldn't want that right? It is like letting others be that others. How can you when others don't. It is unfair, right?"
"Now, does that satisfy you, L.?"
Suppressive of the fact, I just nodded.
Why? The bell already rang.
Filed under the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 3, 2009
You Need to Be Inspired When You Are A Writer
by liruandlegallyraven |
05:09 PM

..nah. nuh-uh. i don't think so. it's enough to have people who criticize you yet believes in you.
"ei,tnx 4 everything uv told me..it means a lot actually..
hope i can decide asap and mas favorable..
" 10:29:52 pm; Jul 30, 09
- Ms. Rhoda Dasalla (Before her Singapore OJT)
"thank u.. ! thing i wnt to say 2 u: dont get too intimidated w/d others around..
u wont b chosen as news ed if d old 1ns don trust ur capabilities..
w? d newbies, u hav naman d authority so useit..even2aly,dey'l respect u..
aun..i so proud of wt ur doing l8ly..u evn surpasd wt iv done
wen i was d news ed..
" 08:50:59 pm; AUg. 08, 09
- Ms. Rhoda Dasalla (on responsibilities)
"..mornin.,u cn do it..aq nga,i hav bigresponcbltis-both d council n d marian..
i hv a low slf estim p man din.,pro despyt dat,kelangn e..mhrappro,dpt at
kelangn kyanin.." 08:13:20 am; Aug. 15, 09
- Ms. Ma. Eira Stephanie Aduca (on bearing it)
{ music } granny's chopping of knife at the kitchen table
{ book } patricia's blog
{ mood } mid-hungry
Filed under the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
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