Entries for November, 2009
November 1, 2009
random perversion
by liruandlegallyraven |
08:33 PM |
i've almost endeared myself to calling anything if it furtively needs to with an extra suffix of "-ia".
just some codes and stuffs.
all recently.
coffia. cremia. genia. lotia. konia. skia. dunkinia. breadia. soapia. yemia....
count it.
it's been maybe a little too much for the cradled time in the name i came up months ago. roschia.
a name built in the world of sinilican sentos-cia.
the war world i have built.
somenthing i unconsciously realized it was ringing somewhat like rukia. sequia.
wing. wing.
it intels itself to my brain celss programming. making me remember things easier. faster. and more conveniently.
so "-ia".
{ music } jingle bells
{ mood } tummy puffing
Filed under dengeki daisy |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 1, 2009
sleepless week
by liruandlegallyraven |
08:45 PM
ai ang tanga. so stupid of this week.
not just me.
well, that counts.
but what brims is the sense of the bottomlined fracasso.
i am buying myself this whole stature back.
macing time.
into the cold sophistication of "i-hate-guys" motivation
the tough brilliant though i admit i am not a genius, determination.
no matter what i have to win.
i am gonna win.
i am the winner.
i do loath defeat.
so this time. i care no less.
{ mood } stingy
Filed under bleach |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 1, 2009
Perv Knows No Distance
by liruandlegallyraven |
08:56 PM |
stop me.
there are lots of perverted outerspace being here.
and alien stuffed toy belongs.
hnn.... i didn't quite expect it from him.
that's how it is. we get to dawdle. we get to quib. we get to yell. i am not yelling.
and he gets to wittingly hug, cuddle, blanket, and goodnight smooch me.
ugh! how perv!
well. it's not like i hate it anyway.
of course. there still the materia that deeply coats me.
never gets serious.
"how bitter."
"well, you're annoying."
{ music } mettled sounds
Filed under bleach |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 1, 2009
by liruandlegallyraven |
09:04 PM
the thing is:
"the more you center your life to someone...
the more you become unattractive to him/her."
{ show } PBB double-up
{ mood } ironic
Filed under through red-colored spectacles |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 1, 2009
do rush
by liruandlegallyraven |
09:18 PM
ugh. this is just so fantastic!
too terrific!
chillax though.
it's just that you had the third time aroung having the research duplicate to be corrupted and completely sans left-overs. from any other files. drives. even raw data.
all infected.
all reformatted.
all denied.
leading whereto?
last chance for submission on the first day of 2nd semestral classes. due Nov. 4, 2009
of which the entirety of it is i am working on.
uh-huh you've said it. groupwork supposedly. but it's too impossibel under such sickly circumstances.
so no choice other than to work it up all on my own. and the format? i still have no freakin' idea!
figure it out. figure it out.
no time left.
(cough. cough.)
a thesis-like research projected for the first semester of 2009. major science subjs.
{ mood } nosebleeding and half-assing. i can't believe it
Filed under bleach |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 1, 2009
just another precaution
by liruandlegallyraven |
09:18 PM
"don't play love with the person who can play better."
{ mood } ironic eye-browed
Filed under through red-colored spectacles |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 3, 2009
You Need to Be Inspired When You Are A Writer
by liruandlegallyraven |
05:09 PM

..nah. nuh-uh. i don't think so. it's enough to have people who criticize you yet believes in you.
"ei,tnx 4 everything uv told me..it means a lot actually..
hope i can decide asap and mas favorable..
" 10:29:52 pm; Jul 30, 09
- Ms. Rhoda Dasalla (Before her Singapore OJT)
"thank u.. ! thing i wnt to say 2 u: dont get too intimidated w/d others around..
u wont b chosen as news ed if d old 1ns don trust ur capabilities..
w? d newbies, u hav naman d authority so useit..even2aly,dey'l respect u..
aun..i so proud of wt ur doing l8ly..u evn surpasd wt iv done
wen i was d news ed..
" 08:50:59 pm; AUg. 08, 09
- Ms. Rhoda Dasalla (on responsibilities)
"..mornin.,u cn do it..aq nga,i hav bigresponcbltis-both d council n d marian..
i hv a low slf estim p man din.,pro despyt dat,kelangn e..mhrappro,dpt at
kelangn kyanin.." 08:13:20 am; Aug. 15, 09
- Ms. Ma. Eira Stephanie Aduca (on bearing it)
{ music } granny's chopping of knife at the kitchen table
{ book } patricia's blog
{ mood } mid-hungry
Filed under the dialogues |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 4, 2009
the devil has fallen
by liruandlegallyraven |
12:40 AM |
"When the devil reminds u of ur past mistake,
remind him of his future defeat.."
{ music } rain drops
{ mood } fulfilled almost
Filed under through red-colored spectacles |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 4, 2009
by liruandlegallyraven |
12:47 AM
"You don't drown by falling into the water.
You drown by staying there."
- Nathan Morgan
Filed under through red-colored spectacles |
2 flushed their pen's ink
November 4, 2009
by liruandlegallyraven |
12:49 AM
"If you have something you want to do in life,
don't think about the problems...
think about the ways to get it done.."
{ mood } tummy's grumbling
Filed under through red-colored spectacles |
hn. your pen's toilet
November 29, 2009
by liruandlegallyraven |
12:15 AM

the vacant seat:
Becoming like Bill Gates
Efren Peñaflorida Jr. is one among too many to be utterly branded as such. He, the kariton educator, who has been honored the 2009 CNN Hero of the Year is an ordinary man of extraordinary deeds exemplary of the change we usually just visualize.
If only it was possible for us all to be like him. An angel descending to be a hero of the World of Bedlam and Scum.
Perhaps. No, it is not merely a perhaps. We all likely perceive that the path to claiming what one desires to be all coarse and crude; but, not impossible. It is always possible if one goes out of his bounds, kicks some butt and breaks a leg. (Don’t be a feather-brain and take this literally.) The point is: go beyond your limits in an extent of compassion and fortitude.
And as you go beyond the limits, you might as well glimpse at the entire year of 2009 – an interlude almost waning. What sort of robe has it donning?
Diaphanous. Uptight.
So to speak, it is basically almost the same thing with the past years -- with its evocative cicatrices either delightful or not blighting every single thing that exudes life. Whereas everybody else might not agree with me at all, it is still the same thing. We end up digging holes of profound retrogression just so to be able to move forward in a much agreeable manner. That is, we don a fearless and pragmatic deportment.
Changing times had brought to us a pluvial archive of earth’s declaration of terrain wars versus humankind, guiltless bloody sabotage, political scams, you name it. However, these changing times have actually brought not only a single row of archive, it lugs alongside a cloudy archive full of silver linings. And these silver linings, what do they cause?
A case of juxtaposition. A general discernment of the current situations. A general discernment of encouragement.
But if you try to ask it again, what do these silver linings cause?
A state where Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie, Avril Lavigne, Ambassador Kirsty Kenny, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, local actresses Angel Locsin, and Kris Aquino, to name a few, envelops the warmth of benevolence for those who are bleak and weary.
A state of falsifying (not rectifying) fallacy.
Or even that of true ones.
{ music } mom's palaver
{ show } the bottomline
{ mood } dunno
Filed under orinji no iru |
hn. your pen's toilet