The Chronicles of the Dandelion Progeny: -----------The Point of No Return----------- there she parries a grin, at the bay-window slurping milk next to a mug of capuccino., ravishing a plate of blueberry and yam., ricocheting- simultaneous-to-cuddling bleu cotton handy throw pillow., and in pernacious hobbling, she, scoops for pc works. accrued and sidled and accruing plushies., and in a paucity of humor and fondling, stockpiles self-made accessories in, her reclusive-as it speaks per se- rubble-made caddy., a totes mcgoats secrecy, from them from you while, there she plops


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Entries for September, 2012

September 2, 2012

Her Fingerfoods

by liruandlegallyraven | 01:43 AM | favorite

There are two tv series she watches out for if given the time: Fringe and WTA. Both of which instigate the brainworks into a prerogative of doing two things simultaneously or more so specifically letting her do the real work the one other than watching the said shows and digest the shows at the same time. Then add a confectioner to boot.

Filed under orinji no iru | hn. your pen's toilet

September 2, 2012


by liruandlegallyraven | 02:21 AM | favorite

cinnamon, green tea, lemon and lime, cranberry, Fit n' Right watermelon, calamansi or lemonade, yogurt, cereal drinks, coconut juice/shake, ginger ale, brewed dark coffee

these are the finest embodiment to nudge the nerve rack in a play of on-and-off languidness for an instance amidst actual studies of cat while donning goggles, multiple N95 masks, surgical gloves in an all-white formaldehyde-filled room

and the prof would comment, "is it better?" 

{ show } Fringe

Filed under orinji no iru | hn. your pen's toilet

September 2, 2012

De Javu: Questions Lingering (Third Person)

by liruandlegallyraven | 04:33 AM

More like Fringe's, or J.J's, or whoever thought of it first. The idea that when you have a deja vu, it is in reality a window to an alternate reality. To me, it would explain why we dont really know why or from where we get these deja vus.
The other explanation, that the deja vu happened in our dream, seems less credible. To accidentally re-create a dream, something that is created out of million possiblities, is very rare. To me, deja vus happens constantly. I would say once a month. Its absurd to say I'm reliving my dream once a month.
Then again, it is also somewhat absurd to say we are looking at through a window into an alternate reality.

An Excerpt from the Fringe-Forum started by IvanGD in 2009.

Filed under film review, through red-colored spectacles | hn. your pen's toilet

September 4, 2012

Whistler's Mother

by liruandlegallyraven | 09:35 PM

Hello, I'm Dr. Bean. Apparently. And my job is to sit and look at paintings. So, what have I learned that I can say about this painting? Well, firstly, it's quite big, which is excellent. If it were very small, microscopic, then hardly anyone would be able to see it. Which would be a shame. Secondly, and I'm getting quite near the end of this... analysis, secondly, why was it worth this man spending fifty million of your American dollars? And the answer to that is, that it's a picture of Whistler's mother. And as I've learned, staying with my best friend David Langley and his family, families are very important. Even though Mr. Whistler was obviously aware that his mother was a hideous old bat who looked like she'd had a cactus lodged up her backside, he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her. And that's marvellous. It's not just a painting. It's a picture of a mad old cow who he thought the world of. Well that's what I think.t

How can someone smart be so stupid? And someone stupid so smart?

The first sentence of my reaction I had read in Dengeki Dasiy before. And now I personally experience it. Aside from me doing it. I'm not surprised. But, I'm in the throes of admiration.

Filed under film review, through red-colored spectacles | hn. your pen's toilet

September 8, 2012

The Never Too Late Welcoming Party

by liruandlegallyraven | 10:28 PM

The smoking is back again. Don't put the matching gestures. My lungs are more than enough to take the damage. No need to placate just my eyes.

And the farting lady even is back too.

{ show } SWAt

Filed under dengeki daisy | hn. your pen's toilet

September 9, 2012

Elle Woods

by liruandlegallyraven | 06:02 AM

PROFESSOR STROMWELL: I am, personally, very honored to introduce this year's class-elected speaker. After getting off to a quite interesting start here at Harvard, she graduates today with an invitation to join one of Boston's most prestigious law firms. I am sure we are going to see great things from her. Ladies and Gentlemen: Elle Woods.

ELLE WOODS: On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise Professor quoted Aristotle: "The law is reason free from passion." Well, no offense to Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law - and of life. It is with passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world, remembering that first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.

Congratulations class of 2004 - we did it!

{ show } House 5, Suits

Filed under through red-colored spectacles | hn. your pen's toilet

September 16, 2012

by liruandlegallyraven | 09:47 PM

"Sometimes, you have to set back and see/take the bigger picture."

- Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan

{ show } Bones

Filed under through red-colored spectacles | hn. your pen's toilet

September 20, 2012

Which is more significant?

by liruandlegallyraven | 03:41 AM | favorite

A promise


A dream


A chance to make other's dreams come true


A chance to make your dreams come true

Both having your dignity and honor

Both lying on to your vow

Both due to become fulfilling


Which is greater...when you are left to pick only one choice

And told to stop playin around

when all throughout your life

you have been serious

{ show } You Dance With The Summer
{ mood } feverish --- almost on the last stage of the all-known ailment

Filed under dengeki daisy, bleach, orinji no iru | hn. your pen's toilet

September 20, 2012

The Blue-Furred Exceed's Troll

by liruandlegallyraven | 04:19 AM


With tongue rolling.

Filed under ichigo to chokoreete | hn. your pen's toilet

« 2012/08 · 2012/10 »